Final project was created as a response to the question on conditional design.
This outcome provides audience interaction by creating a game set with design conditions following which, the audience create their different patterns and outcomes each time they play the game. The outcomes are influenced by the number of people playing. There can be up to 4 players.
This game includes 4 different set of cards. Each set includes the same colored patterns where every card holds an incomplete part of the pattern that can be joined with cards of its own colored set as well as with different colored sets.

The cards can be joined through open ending patterns. Players face a dead end when the card is a tube spilling out the pattern since it has no opening.
The aim of the game is for players to expand their pattern as far as they can within a span of 30 seconds.
The conditions state that no two colors can be placed next to each other. There is no order followed while putting the cards down. It has to be spontaneous. Players need to be alert of the color being placed. Repetitive color will result in termination of design.
The players can play it as a design creation game if playing all together or as a competitive one if playing in teams of two.

A single player can also create design patterns through this puzzle connection game.
The four set of cards
The complete game with an instructions booklet that explains in detail the aims and conditions of the game.
A design solution when I played this game along with three other volunteers.
Total number of players: 4
A design solution when I played this game along with two other volunteers.
Total number of players: 3

An endless design solution since no tube card came up and 30 seconds lapsed.

Design process of putting the game together
Complete game- Collect me
Ken Garland's work 'Fizzog' which was loosely based on dominos is very closely related to my conditional design game.